The Museum of Natural and Cultural History welcomes and encourages the use of its collections for research, educational, and artistic purposes.
Access to collections is by appointment only. Requests for access must be approved by that collection’s director (see sidebar at right) and should be arranged at least one month in advance. The collection areas are available for access Monday through Friday, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. We will make every effort to accommodate your request. However, circumstances sometimes require us to restrict access to some materials. Please note: We are currently developing new access protocols for Native American Collections in consultation with Tribal representatives. Click here to download our current policy. For further information, please contact the Director of Anthropological Collections.
Interested in visiting our Anthropological Collections? Click here to download the Visitor Agreement Form and email it to the Director of Anthropological Collections.

For Research Purposes

Researcher must submit a short (1-2 page) research proposal that includes: (1) the purpose of the proposed research, including the specific questions you aim to answer; (2) the collections of interest; (3) the proposed duration and schedule of the research; and (4) the research methodology. Additionally, all proposed research on Native American collections must meet MNCH expectations for Native American consultation (see our policy here). Submit this information via email or mail to the Director of Anthropological Collections. Additionally, student researchers should provide a letter of support from a faculty member at their home institution who is advising them on their research project. Access will then be approved by the Museum of Natural and Cultural History Executive Director. For photography of objects during a research visit, please see Use of Images and Photography and Video Permissions below. Please submit requests at least one month in advance. 

For Educational Purposes

Instructors and faculty members may request tours of collections areas for educational purposes and to access specific objects in the collection for instructional purposes. Requests must be sent to the appropriate staff at least one month in advance. For use of collections in class projects and other assignments, faculty should begin working with museum staff as soon as possible in order to meet the scheduling requirements of the class. Learn more on our UO Teaching Resources page.

For Tours

The museum supports collection tours for university classes, community organizations, Tribal members, members of the public, and for non-UO school groups. Tour groups are limited in size, and must be accompanied by a museum staff member at all times. These requests must be sent to the appropriate staff at least one month in advance.

For Destructive and Non-Destructive Analysis

The museum encourages the use of its collections for research using a variety of methods, however, the museum must uphold the responsibility of shared stewardship and preservation. For details please email the Director of Anthropological Collections. Please see our current policy.

For Loans

Loans of research material or objects for exhibition purposes are only made to qualified institutions; loans are not permitted to individuals. Loan requests must be arranged at least one month in advance and must be submitted to the appropriate collections director.

Use of Images and Photography and Video Permissions

To request use of museum images or to photograph or film objects in collections, contact the appropriate collections director:

For other photography requests, contact the museum at or 541-346-3024.

Approval is granted on a case-by-case basis depending on content, space availability, staff time, and security needs. 

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