Welcome to Little Wonders online. This month is all about science! We’ll learn what science is and do some exciting experiments of our own. Don’t worry if you don’t have a lab coat—anyone can be a scientist!
An educator holds up a book entitled What Is Science?



In this 6-minute video, museum educator Robyn teaches us about science, reads What is Science? by Rebecca Kai Dotlich, and introduces the fun crafts and activities we're featuring.


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What melts in the sun?
Collect items from around your home and follow this easy guide to set up your own melting experiment.


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Sink or Float
In this simple experiment you’ll be making predictions and observations about buoyancy.

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Experimenting with colors
Mixing primary colors is a great way to learn the different colors. Try out this easy color experiment using our handy guide.

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Painting + Textures
Get out your art supplies and create your own textured watercolor! Here's how to do it

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